Products I Regret Buying ♡ // MissBeautyEmily


Hey everyone ♡
So I asked everyone on Twitter what they'd like to see next and 'Products I regret buying' won by a fair few votes! So here I am ready to discuss 5 products I unfortunately wish I didn't spend my money on.

A very quick disclaimer - These are simply my own opinions and I am in no way slating the brands featured, in fact I have so many products that I adore from each of these but unfortunately these certain items just didn't cut it.

♡ Nair Bikini Brush-On Hair Removal Cream 
Perhaps a bit of an odd product to start off with but we shall roll with it! This is the Nair Bikini Brush-on Removal Cream which at the time was exactly what I was looking for. Us girls all know how painful it is to remove hair from intimate areas and waxing has been a huge no no from me (Maybe my pain threshold is low but I'm not kidding you, it brings tears to my eyes!) So when I saw a cream designed for this I just had to purchase it and try it out. Unfortunately this products cons outweighed the non-existent pros. 
First off, the product is £5.99 which I felt was quite expensive for a very small 60ml bottle but I was willing to pay that amount if it was going to do the trick and provide painless hair removal. The application itself was fairly simple by using the brush provided, however the smell itself was not pleasant at all, a very chemical-like odour lingered when I used this. I applied a thick layer as it suggests on the back of the box and waited for around 10 minutes (Minimum time suggested is 5 mins and max is 15 mins) but after testing a small patch it had done nothing so I proceeded to wait the full 15 minutes. Still after 15 minutes it had removed barely anything and had in fact made the skin beneath very sore and red (which is obviously not a good sign!) And yes, I did carry out a skin test 24 hours before which turned out absolutely fine. After a quick search online I have now found that they've released a new sensitive skin version so perhaps this would work much better.
But unfortunately this remover did next to nothing for hair removal and I have not used this product since.

♡ Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge 
A highly raved about makeup tool, I had to try the Real Techniques sponge out as soon as I could. I purchased mine back in 2013 via Amazon which was £5.99. Although I would not usually spend that much on a sponge, I knew this item had been said to be comparable to the beauty blender which retails for £16 - £22 so judging from that it seemed a fairly decent price.  The sponge works by getting it damp under the tap and then proceeding with your makeup application. The water makes this sponge expand to around double the size which was definitely a good fit to my hand and face but I found when applying foundation with the damp sponge, it soaked up the foundation rather than blending it on my face and I really did not like the finished look at all. I therefore tried using it a day after it had been put under the tap as the sponge was still slightly enlarged but no moisture was on the sponge, I noticed it blended in my foundation a lot better as it wasn't soaking up the foundation but I still thought I was getting better results from using my stippling brush from their range instead. I proceeded to use this after my foundation was applied just to buff in edges so I knew everything was blended correctly but this isn't the intended use. 
This product is still highly raved about and highly recommended by many other beauty bloggers/youtubers but unfortunately it did not work for me which is a huge shame.

♡ Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser 
Yet another highly raved about product when it was first released but I have not actually seen much about this primer since. This is Maybelline's original baby skin face primer but they have released others like 'Cool Rose' & 'Warm Apricot'. I had heard many people say this primer was comparable to or in some instances better than Benefit's Porefessional (which is a statement I would have to disagree with). Firstly, this product is £7.99 which is a huge amount for a 22ml bottle. The tube is very small and you need a lot of product to even cover your face as I found the consistency of the primer to be quite thin and uneasy to blend onto the skin, therefore leading to you needing to squeeze more out just to get an even amount on your face. There is also a slight scent to it which I can't quite explain but I wasn't too keen on it, it did not smell very natural at all. Overall this product was very disappointing to me (especially after everyone raving about it) but the packaging is pretty cute!

♡ Eylure Brow Shapers Removal Strips 
After hearing about eyebrow shapers I knew I wanted to pick up a pack as I've always felt my eyebrows aren't in the best shape. I'd heard Superdrugs own brand of eyebrow shapers are amazing but they were all sold out so I ended up picking up these for £2.69.
These looked very simple to use and had step by step instructions on the back. When trying these, they removed no hairs at all which came as a huge disappointment since I thought they would have at least removed something but no. They do state on the packaging that they're ideal for 'fine hair' so I tested it in the middle part of my forehead where the hairs are a lot finer since they are plucked daily. Once again, absolutely no hair was removed and I gave up even trying. Luckily these shapers weren't too expensive but I was still disappointed that I hadn't gotten the result I was hoping for.

♡ Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundations 
Once again, a very popular product among the beauty community (What is it with me and popular products not getting on?!). In fact, I think Zoella is the reason for this foundation being so raved about as she has featured it in many of her beauty videos on YouTube and sworn by it. Unfortunately I cannot say the same with my experience. This is the second (I believe) lightest shade in the range and it looks way too dark on my skin. It also appears very shiny and almost makes me look like I'm just very oily (which is not a nice look). However, I know this foundation is known for it's 'dewy' effect and that is not something I like (as I have oily skin so to me, it looks like I haven't powdered) but this was actually my first ever liquid foundation I purchased so it's probably due to be thrown out as that's going back nearly 3 years now. 
Unlike the others products mentioned, this item was probably not liked due to a mistake on my behalf as I should have waited for the lightest shade 'True Nude' to come back into stock and been prepared for the dewy look that it claims. But we all make mistakes, right?

Thank you for reading to the end and I hope you've enjoyed finding out what products just haven't worked for me (and may have influenced you to definitely test these products before buying to make sure they work for you). As I said before, this is not a dig at the brands at all and I love each and every company mentioned for other products but these certain items just have not benefited me.

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